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Today has been a sad day at the centre after a kind refuse worker arrived at our centre holding young Albert.
Albert was found in freezing temperatures dumped inside a wheelie bin. Not only this, but he was tied within two plastic bin bags and so had no room to either move or breathe properly.
The kind gentleman in question had been at work and had heard Albert crying from within the bin. When he heard him, he was able to rush to locate him, get him out of the bags he was tied within and bring him to us as soon as possible. It is definitely Alberts lucky day….however it could quite easily have gone the other way and that doesn’t bare thinking about.
Despite his ordeal, Albert is doing well and is settling into a comfy bed, a bowl of food and receiving lots of strokes and fusses from the team here.
We will make sure he is okay and that we are here for him this Christmas and it is your support that makes all of that possible. Could you donate some wet kitten food to help feed Albert, or make a donation towards his care? We know times are hard right now but if you are in a position to be able to help us, then we would really appreciate it.
We hope there comes a time when no cats have to go through what Albert has experienced today. However with your support and help, we can continue to assist and care for those cats that do. Thank you.
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Albert really is our little Christmas miracle
Published: 19 December 2022