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Microchipping weekend was a success!

All in all, the staff here at the centre chipped over 55 cats over the two days which is a massive achievement. Given that the event was the first in our new premises, it went very smoothly, with people giving us lots of positive feedback regarding their experiences of the event. We chipped cats for a reduced price of £10 during this weekend, however we do offer chipping services all year round at the regular cost of £20. Therefore if you or a family member are still needing your cat(s) chipped, then do get in touch with us. We have appointments available daily and are more than happy to provide a fast and efficient service to get your cats chipped. We will explain to you how the microchipping process works and explain how to keep your details up to date so that you are not leaving with any questions or worries.
Many people may be anxious about getting their cats chipped due to the procedure itself, however our staff are trained to ensure the process is completed as quickly and as painlessly as possible and most cats don't even feel a thing!
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch. As always, you can ring us on 01706 861897 or email us directly at
Published: 16 April 2024