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Microchipping your cat becomes a legal requirement in June this year - are you ready?

In accordance with this new legislation, owners require to have their cats microchipped before they reach 20 weeks of age and also ensure their contact details are stored and kept up to date in a pet microchipping database. In addition, existing cat owners will have until 10 June 2024 to microchip their cats. Owners found not to have microchipped their cat will have 21 days to get one implanted or may face a fine of up to £500.
The procedure of microchipping is very quick to complete and is a brilliant way of ensuring that if your cat goes missing, they have the best chance of getting back home. A microchip itself is like a small grain of rice that is implanted at the back of the neck and has a unique number attached to it. Once the chip has been implanted, the implanter will register the unique number on a database along with the details of the cat and his/her owner. If the cat then goes into a rescue or a vets as a stray, they can scan the cat and will be able to log into the database in order to retrieve the details of the owner and hopefully reuinte them!
If your cat is not yet microchipped, then we offer a microchipping service here at the centre for just £20 per cat. To book in an appointment for this, please do contact us at the centre on 01706 861897 or email us at as we would be happy to help.
Published: 23 January 2024