News & Events
30 Apr 2018

Come and grab a bargain! Saturday 12th May 10am-2.30pm at the Animal Centre on Redcross Street
30 Apr 2018

Our stocks are low ! - Wet cat food
Can you help? We are running low on cat food - particularly wet cat food - tins and pouches.
18 Apr 2018

Middleton Shopping Centre - Sponsors of one of our Pods
Middleton Shopping Centre, who have kindly sponsored one of our 'Pods' for a year, held a competition to enable a group to visit our Animal Centre. Earlier this month the winners enjoyed having a look around and meeting some of our 'residents'.
18 Mar 2018

18th March 2018
Due to adverse weather conditions the Animal Centre on Redcross Street will be closed to the public today. Apologies for any inconvenience.
8 Jan 2018

Remember our Christmas puppies? The three surviving pups from the litter of five that had been dumped have all been successfully rehomed.
8 Jan 2018

MASSIVE Thank You to Doherty Integrated Fire & Security
We'd like to say a BIG thank you to Joe & the team at Doherty Integrated Fire & Security.
4 Jan 2018

Repair Funds - can you help?
We have had three of our charity shops broken into in the last few weeks by 'the lowest of the low' !!
As if it isn't bad enough at this time of the year - more cats, kittens and puppies abandoned - meaning more labour, more vet fees, more food, more stress :(
29 Nov 2017

Puppies - Update
If you follow our Facebook page you will already know about the 5 puppies that were recently brought into the Animal Centre. We named them Holly, Jack Frost, Tiny Tim, Joseph and Eve.
14 Nov 2017

Saturday 2nd December 11am - 3pm at the Animal Centre, 1 Redcross Street, Rochdale OL12 0NZ
* Handmade cards * Cakes * Tombola * Raffle * Christmas Gifts * Selection of Craft Stalls *
8 Nov 2017

In it to Win it - Please vote for us!
Rochdale Exchange Shopping Centre are once again donating the proceeds of their wonderful Santa's Grotto to a charity. Can we please ask our supporters to nominate us by commenting on the Rochdale Exchange Shopping Centre Facebook page?